iTunes - avinstallera program och hämta app
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Ändrad den: Tis, 4 juni, 2024 vid 1:08 E.M.
STEG 1 - Avinstallera iTUNES
Sammanfattning: Ta bort iTUNES (programmet) från WINDOWS
- Click the Start menu and open Settings.
- Click Apps or Programs and Features.
- Click iTunes.
- Click Uninstall.
- Click Yes.
Method 1 - Via INSTÄLLNINGAR i Windows (motsvarande i KONTROLLPANELEN)
- Open your Windows Settings Windows Settings. You'll find its icon in the Start menu.
If you're using Windows 7 or 8, you'll need to open the Start menu, click Control Panel, select Programs, and then Programs and Features. Then, skip to Step 3. The remaining steps will be similar to Windows 10.[1]
- Click Apps. You'll find this in the second column, above "Time & Language." A list of all your installed apps and programs will load. Depending on how many programs you have and your disk space, this may take a few seconds or a minute to completely load.
- Click to select iTunes. You'll see the program highlight in blue and expand.
- Click Uninstall. You'll see this button appear in the highlighted and expanded area next to "Modify."
- Follow the uninstall steps. Click Uninstall when prompted, and Yes if prompted. Then wait for iTunes to finish uninstalling.
* If prompted to restart your computer, click Restart later.
- Uninstall other Apple services. You only need to do this if you installed the desktop version of iTunes. If you installed the UWP or Microsoft Store version, you do not have to do so.
- To completely get rid of iTunes, uninstall the following programs in this order:
* Apple Software UpdateApple Mobile Device Support
* Bonjour
* Apple Application Support (64-bit)
* Apple Application Support (32-bit)
STEG 2 - Starta om datorn
Du måste starta om datorn för att avinstallation så kunna ta bort alla komponenter!
Först efter omstarten kan du installera ITUNES igen, men då på ett nytt sätt!
Sammanfattning: Ta bort iTUNES (programmet) från WINDOWS
- Använd SÖK-rutan överst...
- Leta upp iTUNES (eller använda denna direktlänk: - Välj INSTALLERA för att iInstallera och vänta en liten stund.
- Klart!
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